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Presentation Background Canada

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Canada Scan: Background Research

Transcript: 1) HOW DOES IT WORK? Who is Caring for Our Seniors/children/differently abled? Future of Seniors Care in Canada: Challenges & Opportunities Employment Standards/ Regulations for Caregivers in Canada; Legal and Regulatory Framework (Selected Provinces) 1.2 KEY DEMOGRAPHICS Migrant Care in Canada: Policy Objectives, Opportunities & Challenges Cycle of Care 2. 3) PLAYERS Brief History of Canadian Immigration Policies around Migrant Care Migrant Care in the Context of Canada's Temporary Foreign Workers program (TFW) Key Demographic Trends in Care The Cost of Care LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT-Scope is federal + 2-3 selected provinces Wages and Working Conditions for Caregivers in Canada Policy environment/ Regimes for Care Migration in Canada Lessons from Asia (seniors) / Oceania (child): Review of Selected International Care Regimes CONTINUED Policy Environments/ Regimes for Care, Labour Markets in Canada Background Research CONTINUED 1.1 HOW DOES IT WORK? Regional Disparities in Care Needs in Canada Gender & the Work of Care Caregiving and Health Care/ Coverage Policy Environment/ Regimes for Provision of Care in Canada Migrant Care: The International Legal Framework Comparison of Selected International Migration TFW Regimes 4) COST OF CARE Alternative Immigration Streams for Migrant Caregivers in Canada 2) KEY DEMOGRAPHICS 3. Defining Care in the Canadian Context Canada Scan: Family Separation/ Unification for Migrant Caregivers in Canada General CONTINUED 1. Provision of Care The Privatization/ Marketization of Care MIGRATION - SCOPE IS FEDERAL + 2-3 SELECTED PROVINCES Key Global Trends in Migrant Care:Canada in the International Context CONTINUED 1.4 COST OF CARE 1.3 PLAYERS Migrant Care Immigration: The Provincial Perspective Early Childcare Regimes in Toronto & Calgary

Canada presentation

Transcript: Sports Thank you to everybody ! Thank you Tarbes, Thank you France! Thank you Miss Mouchet Environment Maple is a symbol that might represent the most Canada red wine, maple liquor Canadian whisky French in Canada Debate Mount Robson is the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies (3 954m) - The first indoor hockey game was played in Montreal in 1875 - Second Largest country - 5 millions inhabitant - 301 700 lakes - The largest fresh waters Food Crisps It is made from the best ingredients this land has to offer - They have 16 gold medals at the Olympics games since 1974 and 10 silver medals Canadian Food One of the favorite French destination French community : 150 000 people various alcoholic products made from maple syrup French Fries cheese curdbrown gravy Canada Officials sports Popular food Estelle VAZQUEZ Ophélie SYLVAIN Luken LAUGINIE Butter tart Caribou Traditionals sports Traditional & officials national sports and composed by: 2 team with 6 person on ice including goaltender Cultural Places Hockey 5. How many gold medals had won the Canada hockey team since 1974 at the Olympics Games? a) 13 b) 16 c) 69 6. First indoor games were played in : a) 1865 b) 1875 c) 1885 7. Lacrosse is: a) a tribal game b) a new game which is born in the second century c) a fictive sport video game 8. The Lacrosse balls is composed of: a) wood and rubber b) iron and rubber c) solid rubber - A Tribal game played by Native American - One of the oldest team games in America - 2nde most practice sport in Canada 6 groups of 3 students Maple sirup Drinks Part 2 : Sport Vermont Ice 1. In 2015, what is the number of people living in Canada? a) 15 millions b) 35 millions c) 40 millions 2. What is the height of Niagara Falls? a) 25 meters b) 52 meters c) 57 meters 3. What is the name of the three waterfalls Niagara? a) Horseshoe Falls, American falls, Bridal veil falls b) Horse falls, American falls, Bridal Veil Falls c) Horseshoe Falls, American falls, Bridal wood falls 4. Why are attracted by French Canada? a) Lack of word, Beautiful scenery & Canadians are very open-minded b) Career opportunities available to graduates French, Beautiful scenery & Canadians are very wicked c) Career opportunities available to graduates French, Beautiful scenery & Canadians are very open-minded Thank you for your interest and your attention! We are listening to you if you have any question... - Niagara falls : consist of three falls Molson Canadian Part 1: Environment Quizz - Real show! Dynamic musics, pompom girls, fun video on big screen Nanaimo Bar ... played on rink - The Canadian Rockies 1200 km Are you okay for Hockey ? Ketchup crisps come from Canada Part 3 : Food 9. What is one of the most popular symbols of Canada? a) A star b) A flower c) Maple 10. What is the Poutine’s recipe? a )French Fries, cheese curd and brown gravy b)French Fries, strawberry and sugar c) French Fries, vegetables and honey 11. What is the crisps’ taste that comes from Canada? a) Barbecue b) Cheese c) Ketchup 12. With which strong alcohol is made the Caribou? a) Whisky b) Vodka c) Rum And you, what do you think about: - French in Canada - Lacrosse Lacrosse The most popular Canadian food Most common dessert chocolate, crumb and icing About the Canada An impressive contact team sport... Country details & cultural places Equipment: Long wood stick with netting, lacrosse ball (composed by solid rubber) and protections Poutine Reasons: - Career opportunities - Beautiful scenery - Canadians are really open minded - To improve our English level Height: 57 m Width: 945m 15 millions visitors - Canadians hockey player represent the great majority of the best worldwide players Butter, sugar, syrup and eggs and either nuts or raisins Lacrosse

Background Presentation

Transcript: 14th Week Consulting interns can be expensive Time and Money Personal Experience Preliminary Design Stage NFPA 101 and NFPA 13 New and Existing Education, Business, and Mercantile Definition of Project This app would be used to provide interns and recent graduates with an outline of guidelines for how to design and review designs of specific occupancies. With the given time frame, I will be writing the information that will go into the app Begin parametric study: Speak with my mentor and Jason to understand more about what critical variables I could concentrate on for this app. Choose those parameters and begin my study Gather information from NFPA 101 and NFPA 13 for new and existing education, business, and mercantile occupancies. By: Breanne Thompson Next Steps (Continued) Finish preparing for Draft of Analysis Pull together and discuss results of project Draw my conclusions and state future work needed Turn in Final Paper! 10th and 11th Week Turn in my parametric study Begin draft of analysis Map out the process of the app for the key elements 15th Week References Next Steps 7th Week Prepare for Final Presentation Summarize my draft of analysis into presentation Work on how to incorporate a live demonstration for my presentation App Development Background Information 8th-9th Week Continuous Process Objective-C for Apple products Java for Android products 6 months of studying Places to Learn: Codecademy, iOS Dev Center, Android Developers Training Hire App Developer will cost thousands Prepare Final Paper Dive into Shark Tank! 1. 2. 6th Week Background Presentation 12th-13th Week

Canada Presentation

Transcript: Canadian Facts 101 SIZE: Canada is the second-largest country at 9,970,610 square km. PROVINCES AND TERRITORIES: Canada is comprised of ten provinces and three territories POPULATION: 35 millions CAPITAL: Ottawa (Ontario) OFFICIAL EMBLEM: The Maple Leaf OFFICIAL ANIMAL: The Beaver OFFICIAL MOTTO: “From coast to coast” Forests cover 50% of Canada Canada has 10% of the world’s forests. Mount Logan in the Yukon Territory is Canada’s tallest peak at 5,959 metres The Trans-Canada Highway at 7,604 km is the longest national highway in the world. In 1937 Bombardier invented the first snowmobile Hockey is the national sport of Canada. In Canada $1 and $2 are represented by coins. Nicknamed the “loonie” and the Twonie Canada became The Dominion of Canada on July 1st, 1867. We officially became a country in 1982. Over 1 million Aboriginal people: Metis, Inuit, Iroquois, Micmac, Huron, Ojibwa, Haida, Cree, Blackfoot, Assiniboine and the Inuit. The name “Canada” comes from the Huron and Iroquois word “Kanata” meaning “village” Canada Jacques Cartier (1535). Canada has the world’s longest coastline Nearly 25% of all the fresh water in the world (in about 2 million lakes) NATIONAL ANTHEM: “O Canada” NATIONAL POLICE FORCE: RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) TIME ZONES: 6 OFFICIAL LANGUAGES: English and French, French is spoken by 6m Canadians POLITICAL STRUCTURE: Canada is a constitutional monarchy and a federal state with a democratic parliament. Canadian Myths We live in igloos…We live in houses, and they are very well built houses. In the war of 1812, started by America, Canadians pushed the Americans back...past their 'White House'. Then we burned it...and most of Washington, under the command of William Lyon McKenzie who was insane and hammered all the time. We got bored because they ran away, so we came home and partied... How national sport is Hockey… In 1994, the Federal Government introduced Bill C-212 that officially made Hockey Canada’s 1 . National Winter Sport and Lacrosse Canada’s National Summer Sport. The Hudsons Bay Company once owned over 10% of the earth's surface and is still around as the worlds oldest company. POLITICS 2 levels of government: provincial and federal Both follow the Westminster (British) model of government At the head is the Prime Minister of Canada, and there is a prime minister for each province There is a multi-party system on each level, but only a few major parties ever get elected The Question: « The Government of Quebec has made public its proposal to negotiate a new agreement with the rest of Canada, based on the equality of nations; this agreement would enable Quebec to acquire the exclusive power to make its laws, levy its taxes and establish relations abroad — in other words, sovereignty — and at the same time to maintain with Canada an economic association including a common currency; any change in political status resulting from these negotiations will only be implemented with popular approval through another referendum; on these terms, do you give the Government of Quebec the mandate to negotiate the proposed agreement between Quebec and Canada? » 1995 Oct. 30 34% support independence 54% oppose 74% think it is very unlikely or not at all likely to ever occur 28% want outright independence 30% want more autonomy from Canada 32% are content to have Quebec remain a province of Canada Provincial This formula is helpful to understand what Québec is: 2 Q + Fr + GB + (USA) - R Quebec’s history and identity (Q) are made up of less France (F) than we believe, more Great Britain (GB) than we want to admit, a much larger American influence than we think, and much less imput from Rome (R) and the clergy than thought According to Yvan Lamonde (1996) Hydroelectric Plants Robert-Bourassa Generating Facility 53-storey building “giant’s staircase” each the size of two football fields, largest underground powerhouse 140 metres (459 feet) down! Dr. Frederick Banting Insulin Alexander Graham Bell Telephone Tommy Douglas HealthCare Terry Fox Inspiration Wayne Gretzky Hockey Player Sir John A. Macdonald 1rst Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson UN Blue Helmets David Suzuki Environment Pierre Elliott Trudeau Kept Canada United Hockey Riots April 2008 Montreal Canadiens eliminated the Boston Bruins 2nd round April 2002 Montreal Canadiens eliminated Boston Bruins in 1rst round June 1993 Stanley Cup Champions February 1955 Maurice Richard is suspended for playoffs RailRoad WHY? dream of Prime Minster Sir John A. Macdonald Montreal to the Pacific Ocean. 1868 the people of British Columbia having trouble making money So, on July 20th, 1871 the colony of BC joined Canada promise that the railroad would be built they were given money to pay debts they owed BC would become part of the U.S. Macdonald found a private group : the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) The cost for building the line was $100,000,000 The CPR would pay for the railroad construction and then own it C hinese Workers in BC 1879 Fraser

Background Presentation

Transcript: Real action and accountability Amnesty International Non-state actors/ Rebel Groups?? ...and what about men?? ignoring male rape victims? would rape exist without a man? Weapons of War: Rape UN as an Arena - NGO's - Discussion and dialogue Arena Instrument Actor Critical Thinking Weapons of War: Rape UN as an instrument UNSC Resolution 1820 (2008) UN as an Actor - UN Action Against Sexual Violence in Conflict Weapons of War: Rape Problems with 1820 "Roles and Functions of International Organizations" "Sexual violence, when used as a tactic of war in order to deliberately target civilians or as a part of a widespread or systematic attack against civilian populations, can significantly exacerbate situations of armed conflict and may impede the restoration of international peace and security… effective steps to prevent and respond to such acts of sexual violence can significantly contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security" (UNSC Resolution 1820, p. 2)" Background Presentation- Kristin Mann Weapons of War: Rape Brief Insight - used to manipulate social control - destabilize communities - weaken ethnic groups and identities Examples: - Sudanese Militia - Rwanda Genocide - DRC Critical Thinking Critical Thinking Increased Data Collection by international organizations - determine humanitarian responses - ensures justice and reparation - provides recognition and dignity

Background Presentation

Transcript: Death rate 2012: 12.84 deaths/1,000 population (World ranking: 22) Infant (Child Mortality) Total: 79.02 deaths/1,000 live births (world ranking: 10) HIV/AIDS (2) Appropriate Technology Landlocked country Great African Rift Valley system: East – Lake Malawi South – mountains, tropical palm-lined beaches Mainly a large plateau, with some hills Lake Malawi (Lake Nyasa) Almost 1 million people have AIDS 60% of these are female Declining in urban areas, Rising in rural areas Leading cause of death amongst adults Contributes to the low life expectancy: 54.2 years 209th ranking (One of the lowest) 500,000 children have been orphaned due to AIDs Micro-finance Policy Framework and Strategies (Health SWAp) increasing the availability and accessibility of antenatal services; utilization of skilled health personnel during pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal period at all levels of the health system; strengthening the capacity of individuals and institutions to improve maternal and neonatal health; increasing the number of skilled health personnel; constructing and upgrading health facilities to offer essential health services particularly focusing on rural and underserved areas; and provision of ARVs and micronutrients during pregnancy. Geography of Malawi CCST 9004 Appropriate Technology for the Developing World Indicator 3: Literacy Rate of 15 – 24 year-olds According to the World Bank, microfinance is defined as: Microfinance is the provision of financial services to the entrepreneurial poor.This definition has two important features:it emphasizes a range of financial services—not just credit— and it emphasizes the entrepreneurial poor. Goal 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education Appropriate Technology: SIRDAMAIZE 113 Population: 16,777,547 (estimated in July 2013) Population growth rate: 2.758% (2012 est.) (World ranking: 18) Age structure Children: 50% of total population HIV/AIDS Human Resources Education Poverty Food Insecurity Erratic Rainfall Patterns/Droughts Corruption Lack of Foreign Investment Languages Indicator 5: Proportion of seats held by women in National Parliaments Central Region: 1-9 (Yellow) *Capital: Lilongwe Northern Region: 10-15 (Red) Southern Region: 16-27 (Green) Lake Malawi (Blue) Land surface area 45,747 square miles Challenges: · shortage of qualified primary school teachers; · inadequate physical infrastructure; · poor retention of girls mainly from standard five to eight; · high disease burden due to HIV and AIDS consequently leadinto absenteeism, especially among girls who take care of the sick · Poverty levels are high in rural areas. Malawi – Climate/Agriculture Trading partners: South Africa, Zambia, China, US Challenges: · shortage of qualified primary school teachers; · inadequate physical infrastructure; · poor retention of girls mainly from standard five to eight; · high disease burden due to HIV and AIDS consequently leading to absenteeism especially among girls who take care of the sick; and · poor participation of school committees and their communities in school management. · Poverty levels are high in rural areas. 1 Doctor per 50,000 people Hinders the ability to deliver medical services to people in need Reason: Emigration Lack of access to education Aggravated by AIDS > 4 nurses are lost each month This also affects other sectors: Government Business Farmers Human Resources HIV/AIDS - Contemporary GDP: US $14.58 billion (2012 est.) (World ranking: 142) Labor force: agriculture: 90%; industry and services: 10% (2003 est.) Countries main income Agriculture Main crops: maize, tobacco, tea, sugar cane, groundnuts, cotton, wheat, coffee, and rice Industry: tobacco, tea, sugar, sawmill products, cement, consumer goods Challenges: limited capacity in terms of human and material resources to facilitate adult literacy and continuing education; early marriages perpetuated by socioeconomic factors; socio–cultural factors that make people believe that men should be leaders while women are followers; and, poor learning environment which affects girls in primary and secondary schools e.g. sanitary facilities, long distances to education facilities, extra burden from domestic chores especially for adolescent girls resulting into high dropout rate. 1964: Independent from Britain Indicator 1: Maternal Mortality Ratio Malawi Demographics Problems - Outline Indicator 4: Share of Women in Wage Employment in the Non- Agriculture Sector measure of employment opportunities ( i.e equal proportions of men and women in formal employment) Yet, more women participate in the agriculture sector than in the formal wage employment especially in jobs that require professional qualifications. Due to: literacy levels, gender disparity and cultural values. Facts About the Product: Drought tolerant maize variant Able to mature under limited rainfall Suitable for marginal rainfall areas 136 days to mature Normally: 150 – 180 days Able to mature under limited rainfall Suitable for marginal rainfall areas

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